What does it include?
One Physical & One NFT Artwork from every 2023 Exhibition Artists (Over 15 works!)
+ Community events, exclusive digital content, and more

How much does it cost?
$500 - $2000 Annually (Sliding Scale)

What artists are participating?
Matthew Cronin, Carlos Franco, Wieteke Heldens, Alexandro Silver, Anika Todd, Catalina Tuca, Joseph Wilcox, Huidi Xiang, & Alisa Yang

More questions? Check out our FAQ Here

Thank you for your support of our artists! Please fill out your information below to purchase a Collector Pass. You will be prompted for payment after submitting.

1. Head to https://wallet.kukai.app/
2. Accept Terms of Use, then click “Create New Wallet”
3. Copy or write down your Seed Phrase in an inconspicuous location (this is the most important password for your wallet)
4. Verify your Seed Phrase by entering the required words
5. Set a password
6. Download the keystore file that can be used to import your wallet later and then click “Open Wallet”
7. That’s it! You now have a Tezos wallet. You can copy and paste your wallet address below by clicking the copy icon next to your wallet address (tz1…)


  • The Lydian Stater Collector Pass is an annual pass issued in the form of an NFT that guarantees ownership of exclusive physical and digital artworks from every artist exhibited in our 2023 season.

  • On top of owning 18 artworks from outstanding emerging artists, you will have additional perks like:

    Connecting with artists at real-life community events for pass holders.

    Have first access to additional artworks on exhibit with a 10% discount.

    Have access to exclusive digital content like podcast extras and video studio tours

    Help us decide which projects to support and create impact as a collector.

  • Our sliding scale is intended to acknowledge varying socio-economic conditions. We would like people to pay what they can based on their income/wealth while encouraging new collectors to join. We do not see a conflict of someone receiving the same benefits as someone else for more or less money.

  • There is not a limited amount of passes. While we appreciate the artificial scarcity that NFTs have created for digital artworks, we tend to lean on practices that reduce speculation and flipping.

  • At the opening of each exhibition, physical works will be mailed to the address on file (unless the collector arranges for pickup) and NFTs will be sent directly to your Tezos wallet.

  • No. Each physical and NFT artwork created for owners of our Collector Pass are exclusive to the pass.

  • Yes, you can pay with either USD via credit/debit or XTZ, the native cryptocurrency for the Tezos blockchain.

  • Yes, you can pay quarterly. Please email us at info@lydianstater.co if you’d like to pay in installments.

  • We would love to, just be sure to add on some additional funds to your sliding scale price when purchasing.

  • We value transparency, both with our artists and collectors. The proceeds from our Collector Pass will be split 50/50 with the artists, securing artist funding up front and maintaining gallery operations.

  • Unfortunately, we do not currently have this option, but there is no reason you couldn’t split a pass with other people.

  • Our intention is that everyone who would like to participate in this project has an option to do so in some capacity, please reach out to us at info@lydianstater.co

  • Tezos is a decentralized proof-of-stake blockchain, similar to Ethereum, that has been at the forefront of the intersection between contemporary art and NFTs.

  • If you purchase your Collector Pass directly from objkt.com there is a small gas fee that you will pay upon purchase. If you pay in USD, Lydian Stater will cover the gas to send you your NFT. Exhibition NFT gas will also be covered by Lydian Stater.

  • While we can’t keep you from listing or buying a Collector Pass on the secondary market, the associated artworks to be claimed remain with the original purchaser. Our intention is that each purchaser will receive the full run of the year’s work.

  • The artist owns all legal rights, including all intellectual property rights, titles, and interests in and to the underlying art. The creator grants you the rights to display the art for personal use. No commercial use is granted by the artist.

  • Many of the artworks from our 2023 exhibitions have not yet been produced and will be created brand new for each show. While this means you will have to be surprised when you receive your artwork, you are guaranteed to be getting the newest work from our artists.